Monday, December 15, 2008

Mr. Smarty Pants.

Look who grew up quite a bit while we were gone... We were so amazed to find our not-even-2-year old figuring out ways around his small size. Last night while at the dinner table he was getting really fussy and looking at the blinds so I got him out of his chair and turned him around to play with them. He was very excited to explore something new, but rather frustrated that he could not reach the second string once he pulled the first one down. So, he looked around for a minute and I could totally see those little wheels in his head working overtime... Sure enough he figured out a way to end his frustration, and boy! was he proud of himself! :)

"Much Better!"

He also LOVES light switches! He could spend hours turning them on and off. Well, since no one else in the house is as thrilled about them as he is nor do they want to hold him up there for hours on end... he figured out a way to do it himself. You can see the wheels working again in these pictures.
"Hmmm... I like to sweep. This broom handle is really long. I wonder..."

"if just maybe..."

"YESSS! I'm the smartest kid ever!!!"

Wow. He really just blows me away. It's actually pretty scary to see him out-think me sometimes... He sure keeps us laughing!

1 comment:

bev said...

Megs, this is hilarious! He is SO smart and daring, like his dad.