Thursday, September 17, 2009

Water boy.

This one's going on the wall.

click image to enlarge.

Partners in Crime.

More mischief than crime, actually.. but these two little buggers are a hand-FUL! We found them with a marker that they obviously thought was lipstick and were covered from head to toe in red marks.

How do you punish kids who look this cute when you catch them???

The Grumpy Sumo.

Say hello to my grumpy little man. Seeing a smile on these chubby cheeks is a rare occasion.. I'm learning to love all the frowns and scowls rather than the coos and giggles of most babies at this age. Hopefully he'll grow out of it (Colic is most likely playing a huge part in this kids mood) but for now.. enjoy his serious little stare.

I promise I change my kids clothes from time to time :) Branden just happens to be wearing the same shirt he was wearing in the hospital pictures.. (if you didn't notice.. I'm glad I pointed it out for you!)
And Darren's screaming definitely does not cause any discouragement to Branden lovin' on him. He's oblivious.
I like it that way.
He loves his "little" brother.


WOW! I can't believe its been 2 months since our little (HA!) Darren was born. Time is seriously flyin' by. We've been staying busy doing as much together as a family as we can squeeze in. Campfires in the backyard are becoming a regular thing. Branden loves sitting outside with his daddy making S'mores or roasting hot dogs.

Such good buddies. I'm a lucky, lucky gal!